The most effective boards bring a diversity of thinking, experience and approach that creates a crucible for the most effective and robust decision making, inviting challenge and debate and eradicating group think. We advise boards on how to measure their effectiveness and help companies appoint and develop the optimal chair and non-executive directors.
Amanda Smithson
Managing Partner
Amanda Smithsonamanda.smithson@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0273LondonAmanda is the Managing Partner and a member of the Investment Banking, Private Equity, Board and Executive Assessment Practices. She advises on leadership development, team effectiveness and senior appointments across investment banking, private equity and the boardroom. Prior to Blackwood, Amanda worked at Morgan Stanley; she spent ten years in Mergers & Acquisitions in London and New York before becoming COO of the Investment Banking Division EMEA. She is a certified professional executive coach, Meyler Campbell Mastered, AC and WABC accredited and qualified with the British Psychological Society in psychometrics, including Hogan, FIRO-B, NEO PI-R, Wave, G-LJI, LJI, Implicitly®, TKI and MBTI®.
Prior experience: Morgan Stanley.
Education: English and Law at the University of Cambridge.
Martina Ashley
Martina Ashleymartina.ashley@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0277LondonMartina co-leads the Investment Management Practice and is a member of the Financial Services Practice. She has a particular expertise in moving and building teams and defining the strategy and execution of building new routes to market. She has worked extensively on the firm’s Diversity initiatives and is also an Ambassador for The Diversity Project.
Prior experience: Goldman Sachs.
Education: Politics and Philosophy at the University of Bristol.
Harry Chetwood
Harry Chetwoodharry.chetwood@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0289LondonHarry co-leads the Investment Management Practice and is Chair of the Financial Services Practice. He has particular expertise in advising clients on succession planning, strategic reviews and working with start-up groups ahead of launch. Prior to joining Blackwood, Harry worked within search focusing on investment management and corporate finance. He started his career as an Assistant Fund Manager at Smith & Williamson Investment Management. Harry is a Trustee of the Arundel Castle Cricket Foundation and a member of the MCC Nominations Committee.
Prior experience: Smith & Williamson Investment Management.
Education: Theology and Anthropology at Durham University.
Maria Henderson
Maria Hendersonmaria.henderson@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0282Milan and LondonMaria leads the Consumer Practice. She has extensive experience advising international clients in all sub-sectors of consumer, including branded fashion and luxury goods.
Prior experience: MBS Group, Korn Ferry, Skill Capital.
Education: Latin American Literature and Politics at University College London.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Leejonathan.lee@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 1804LondonJonathan leads the Tech Practice and co-leads the FinTech Practice. He has worked extensively across media, entertainment and technology enablement with a particular focus on the digital optimisation of businesses.
Prior experience: The Zygos Partnership, Russell Reynolds.
Education: Sports Science at Durham University.
Chris Unwin
Chris Unwinchris.unwin@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)161 241 3305ManchesterChris leads the Financial Officers Practice as well as Blackwood’s regional coverage, with responsibility for the firm's activities in the North and Midlands, advising businesses on board-level succession, management changes and leadership effectiveness.
Education: French and German at the University of Oxford.
Financial officers
The CFO is one of the most often changed roles in companies experiencing high growth or transformation. We advise clients on how to assess how their finance function is guiding and facilitating their strategic ambitions. We build entire finance leadership teams equipped to act as the strategic advisers and partners to the board.
Chris Unwin
Chris Unwinchris.unwin@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)161 241 3305ManchesterChris leads the Financial Officers Practice as well as Blackwood’s regional coverage, with responsibility for the firm's activities in the North and Midlands, advising businesses on board-level succession, management changes and leadership effectiveness.
Education: French and German at the University of Oxford.
Davide Cassanelli
Davide Cassanellidavide.cassanelli@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0257London and MilanDavide is a member of the Financial Officers Practice and brings a decade of experience appointing CFOs in Private Equity portfolio companies across various sectors in the UK and Continental Europe. During his career, he has also worked with large international corporations.
Prior experience: Headrick & Struggles; Leathwaite.
Education: Economics & Business Administration at the Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore; HR Management & Consulting at the University of Bath.
Jenny Goslett
Jenny Goslettjenny.goslett@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0264LondonJenny is a member of the Financial Officers Practice with expertise in Group CFO, Group Financial Controller and Group FP&A hiring. She largely focuses on searches in B2C related sectors.
Prior experience: Korn Ferry.
Education: Spanish and Italian at the University of St Andrews.
Katrina Roberts
Senior Associate
Katrina Robertskatrina.roberts@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0281LondonKatrina is a member of the Financial Officer Practice and works across all assignments. Before specialising in finance, she was a generalist focusing on mandates across numerous functional areas within financial services.
Prior experience: J.D. Haspel.
Education: Psychology at Loughborough University.
Emma Lanigan
Emma Laniganemma.lanigan@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0280LondonEmma is a member of the Healthcare and Financial Officers Practices and works on assignments across all practice areas.
Education: International Relations at the University of Bath.
Charlotje Shillingford-Laus
Charlotje Shillingford-Lauscharlotje.shillingford-laus@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0295LondonCharlotje is a member of the Financial Officers Practice and works on assignments across all practice areas.
Education: Human Sciences at the University of Oxford.
Charlotte Wade
Charlotte Wadecharlotte.wade@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0268LondonCharlotte is a member of the Financial Officers Practice and works on assignments across all practice areas.
Education: Health, Medicine and Society at the University of Cambridge.
Katie Walker
Senior Executive Assistant
Katie Walkerkatie.walker@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 1802LondonKatie is a Senior Executive Assistant in the Corporate Practice and a member of Blackwood’s Finance, Administration and IT Group.
Education: Adult Health Nursing at Cardiff University.
Technology officers
Technology continues to challenge and change every part of a business. Technology leadership is vital to ensure your business, whatever its sector, is equipped for the future. Working with some of the most technologically advanced companies and continually seeking the disruptors in any industry, we have developed deep expertise in building technology functions including CTOs, CDOs, CISOs, CIOs and Data & Analytics.
Jonathan Lee
Jonathan Leejonathan.lee@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 1804LondonJonathan leads the Tech Practice and co-leads the FinTech Practice. He has worked extensively across media, entertainment and technology enablement with a particular focus on the digital optimisation of businesses.
Prior experience: The Zygos Partnership, Russell Reynolds.
Education: Sports Science at Durham University.
Grace Wookey
Grace Wookeygrace.wookey@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0256LondonGrace is a member of the Tech Practice and works on assignments across sub-sectors, with a focus on B2B software and IT services. Prior to joining Blackwood, Grace worked at a specialist recruitment firm with a focus on the life sciences sector.
Prior experience: Meet Recruitment.
Education: Economics at the University of Birmingham.
Tamta Gagoshidze
Senior Associate
Tamta Gagoshidzetamta.gagoshidze@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0299LondonTamta is a member of the Tech Practice and works on assignments across the sector.
Education: Business Management at Cardiff University.
Patrick Hayes
Patrick Hayespatrick.hayes@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 1809LondonPatrick is a member of the Technology Practice and works on assignments across all practice areas.
Education: English Literature and History at the University of Nottingham.
Heather May
Heather Mayheather.may@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 0266LondonHeather is a member of the Technology Practice and works on assignments across all practice areas.
Education: Biological Sciences at Imperial College London.
Rosie Leslie
Senior Executive Assistant
Rosie Leslierosie.leslie@blackwoodgroup.com+44 (0)20 7220 1805LondonRosie is a Senior Executive Assistant in the Corporate Practice and is a member of Blackwood’s Finance, Administration, and IT Group. She is qualified in administering a variety of Psychometric tools.
Education: Psychology at City, University of London.